Is Scripture An Inerrant?

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First, it is important establish that grammatical errors do not constitute inerrancy. John MacArthur references the Chicago Statement of Inerrancy which states that, “Scripture is inerrant, not in the sense of being absolutely precise by modern standard, but in the sense of making good its claims and achieving that measure of focused truth at which its authors aimed” (MacArthur, 22). Literary qualities such as metaphors, hyperboles, historical context, and the like must be considered when examining Scripture. While the physical authors of Scripture are imperfect, their message is not. Matthew 5:18 emphasizes the importance of the complete law in that “one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.” Every detail of Scripture, whether a supposed grammatical error or not, is important and essential to the overarching theme of Scripture. …show more content…

Peter specifically recognizes Paul’s writings as Scripture. In 2 Peter, Peter endorses Paul’s writings, warns of those that would twist and change the meaning of Scripture, and concludes with final exhortations. Specifically, in 2 Peter 3:14-16, Peter tells his readers that Paul is not one of the false teachers, but rather one that speaks truth. Bob Deffinbaugh writes that because Paul had little interaction with church leaders due to his past of persecuting Christians, it was important for a trusted person, like Peter, to affirm Paul’s writings as truth (Deffinbaugh, 1). Here is just one of many instances where Scripture validates

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