Is It Worth The Pressure To Gain A Driver's License?

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A driver’s license has played a significant role in the lives of many, if not all Americans in the past hundred years or so. The question now is whether driving and the attainment of a license is still not only significant, but also necessary to many Americans. Over eighty percent of driving age Americans have a driver’s license, few report to regularly use public transportation, and getting from one place to another is still critical, so it appears that they are still quite necessary. I have personally felt the immense pressures to gain a driver’s license and have enjoyed the freedoms that are attained along with one. However, many argue that driving is not as important today as it has in the past, reporting that fewer teens are pursuing a …show more content…

They describe gaining a driver’s license as a status symbol in high school, and states that teens gaining a driver’s license are striving for the independence that it represents (Driving and Teens). With that license, the teen does not need their parents, or the parents’ permission, to go wherever they please. It is also stated that peers and family even in some cases are found to pressure a teenager into getting a driver’s license before they are ready for the responsibility. I can speak first hand that this is a real issue and has a strong influence on a given teenager due to them not wanting to disappoint those around them. My friends, family, and peers all set the expectation to gain a driver’s license as soon as possible. It was expected of me to schedule my learners permit test on or close to my sixteenth birthday, and take my license test at exactly the six-month date that marked my eligibility for a license. I failed several times to gain my license. It was because of my desire for that freedom and the pressures from my friends and family that made each failure sting that much more, but also drove me forward to keep trying. It was when I finally achieved my goal and received my license that I realized the true extent of its impact on my life. When I got my driver’s license, it had an enormous impact on my day to day life. I could finally drive myself to school, work, and have enjoyed driving as a way to relax ever since. Driving to school allowed me to gain some extra sleep before school, which had a positive influence on my performance in school and morale. At my job, driving allowed me to work more hours at my job and made my schedule more flexible, allowing me to make and save more money leading into college. Lastly, driving has always been therapeutic for me. Whenever I get stressed or overwhelmed, driving has always allowed me to relax and collect

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