Is Cursive's Day In Classroom Done?

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The affect of technology on children is greater than people may think. Ten years ago, there were different ways children were taught that contrast with the way children are taught in schools today. One of the biggest lessons taught in the third grade was how to write in cursive. Nowadays, teaching children these vital lessons is becoming a thing of the past. The rise of technology has largely contributed to the decline of cursive writing being taught to elementary school students. The need to push children to pass state exams has pushed more of that focus away from teaching this style of handwriting. Denise Smith Amos states in her article “Is Cursive’s Day in Classroom Done?” that, “Common Core is silent on cursive, but it prioritizes …show more content…

With technology on the rise students will be spending more time typing, and less time actually writing. Rafael Guerrero states in his article “Are We Seeing the Death of Cursive?” that “[I]n the minds of some, the need for teachers to spend more time getting students to meet state standards and master computer technology has made cursive less relevant.” A large concern for teachers today is to get students to the point of being able to satisfy state standards rather than teaching them material which will benefit them in the future. Teaching third graders how to write in cursive has been one of the main lessons taught for years. Just because the technology is on the rise it should not mean that children do not get the same education generations before have received. Depriving children of this knowledge would be unfair. Students need this writing skill in order to read historical documents from the past. Students will also need to know it when they take the PSAT and SAT in high school for the written statement. Teaching young children how to write in a whole new form of writing is a daunting task, but it is a necessity for them to be able to develop properly and succeed in …show more content…

Maria Konnikova states in her article “What’s Lost as Handwriting Fades” that “[I]n alexia, or impaired reading ability, some individuals who are unable to process print can still read cursive, and vice versa.” This fact proves how vital at least a few lessons on cursive writing could be. Children suffering from various learning disabilities will be more successful if they are taught more ways to succeed. For some children cursive will be a real challenge and they would much prefer to use standard writing. For others, cursive will help them remember things more

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