Is Astrology A Pseudoscience

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Is astrology a pseudoscience? In this essay I wish to argue that it is. Pseudoscience is a collection of beliefs or practices mistakenly regarded as being based on scientific method. (Oxford Dictionary) Science is distinguishable from revelation, theology or spirituality in that it offers insight into the physical world obtained by empirical research and testing; this is not the case with pseudoscience. Astrology is the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies interpreted as having an influence on human affairs and the natural world. (Oxford Dictionary) According to Thagard, you cannot tell if astrology is a pseudoscience by looking at the history or births of it, because “origins are irrelevant to scientific status.” …show more content…

In pseudoscience, extraordinary claims are made with little or no evidence provided. If a theory is not verifiable or based on evidence, surely we cannot claim it has any connection to reality. Carl Sagan claimed that “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.” If a claim is very unusual when you compare it to what we already know about the world, then little evidence is required in order to accept the theory. On the other hand, if a claim clearly contradicts what we already know about the world, then a substantial amount of evidence is needed in order for us to accept it. This is because if this new claim is accurate then we may have to reconsider many other theories or claims that we take for granted. For this new contradictory claim to be accepted, the evidence for it must outweigh the evidence against it. The entire field of astrology is characterised by extraordinary claims. If objects floating around in space actually have some sort of impact on a person’s life or personality then much of modern biology, chemistry and physics must be inaccurate. This is beyond our belief. Therefore, a massive amount of high-quality evidence must be presented before we can accept the claims made by astrologers. There is lack of such evidence, even after thousands of years of research. This further strengthens my claim that astrology is a …show more content…

Controls allow us to eliminate possible factors which may have an effect on the results. Repeatability means that someone else should be able to perform the exact same experiment and achieve the exact same results or conclusions, when this happens the theory in question is further confirmed. Neither controls nor repeatability are common in astrology. Controls, if they appear are not very reliable and rely on chance most of the time. Independent researchers are not able to reliably duplicate the findings of astrologers. Even other astrologers struggle to repeat the findings of their colleagues. So long as astrologers’ findings cannot be reliably repeated, they cannot claim that these findings are consistent with reality; this would then mean that it is impossible to prove astrology as

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