The Argument Of Laudan's Pessimistic Meta Induction?

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This essay examines the argument of Laudan’s Pessimistic Meta Induction (PMI.) I argue that the pessimistic Meta induction is fallacious, easily proven invalid by realist logic, and inapplicable to modern science. The Pessimistic Meta Induction is one of the most notable arguments against scientific realism. The theory centers around the historical pattern of scientific theories being abolished and replaced, essentially deeming the old theories false. Because of this the Pessimistic Meta Induction argues that current scientific theories will eventually be deemed false as well. Laudan specifically argues that history shows a plethora of empirically verified theories that were later rejected, and because the unobservable terms within the larger theories are intertwined, they can’t be viewed at true or even approximately true (Zlatan.) Laudan’s argument can be placed in standard form like so:
(1) Assume that the success of a theory is a reliable test for its truth.
(2) Most current
Confirmation evidence should not count except when it is the result of a genuine test of the theory; and this means that it can be presented as a serious but unsuccessful attempt to falsify a theory.
6. Some genuinely testable theories, when found to be false, are still upheld by their admirers-for example by introducing some ad hoc auxiliary assumption, or re-interpreting the theory ad hoc in such a way that it escapes refutation. However, such a method either destroys or lowers its scientific status.”
These criteria make it hard for pseudosciences such as astrology or dowsing to be considered science. There has also been large increases in the accuracy and use of technology is ensuring that there is more empirical evidence and proof that theories are being based on.
Some may argue against the corrected ratio of falsified to accepted theories, but unless every theory in the history of science was to be measured that argument would be futile, and the above point would still

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