Irony In Mark Twain's War Prayer

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Twain’s use of irony in his piece “War Prayer” is used throughout by the church and their willingness to pray to God for protection of patriots however this would result in the wrong doing or even death of the others.
• “in the spirit of love, of Him Who is the Source of Love”
• "For our sakes who adore Thee, Lord, blast their hopes, blight their lives, protract their bitter pilgrimage, make heavy their steps, water their way with their tears, stain the white snow with the blood of their wounded feet!"

Firstly, it asks of God to watch over and keep the soldiers protected while also allowing them to continue the good fight through strength. The second request was of protecting the soldiers from war and harm in general, to look out for their overall wellbeing. And the third was to kill the enemies and ensure they at all cost they suffer for the …show more content…

The results of this are what trigger the creation of unhealthy habits like lying and cheating and going against everything you’re told is bad and not to do when you’re a child but is reversed when you turn into a teenager who wants to be rebellious.

Mark Twain’s “Advice to Youth” is used to instruct the youthful generation on ways we should be, act and present ourselves. This is ironic because youth does not listen to advice due to the know it all persona they uphold for a solid 10 years. Basically he states that reviewing and following these bs rules will make life so much better for all of society.

Hey Stacey my home gurllll, this letter is for you and my advice to enhance your life, but honestly not by much because you already have me in your life so you’re doing pretty good. To be honest with you, you’re a little extra with all you little corks and quips and all your sassy commentary during education times. I just get right to it and let you know what you need to

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