Contrasting Parental Perspectives: An Interview Insight

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For my interview, I had initially only interviewed my mother, but then I decided I wanted to see the contrast of opinions, so I also interviewed my father. I did this without telling either of them that I had asked the other the same questions so that they would not be thinking about how their spouse would answer. I believe that this strategy aided in the production of authentic answers from both sides. The first question based on satisfying milestones revealed some of the stark differences between the thought processes of men and women. When faced with this question, my mother didn’t hesitate in acknowledging her temple marriage and the births of her children. My father on the other hand contemplated back and forth on this one, until …show more content…

They both wish that they had committed themselves to more college. My mother never finished, and my father wishes he had taken more classes that would have helped him in his business endeavors. A consensus was also made that neither of them value the approval of others in the way they did 30 years ago. In a profound answer to the question based on what she values now more than at age 20, my mother simply answered time; time and family. When asked about her decision making process, my mother went through the actual actions that she takes: prayer, fasting, and consulting with her spouse. Whereas my father’s answer was more based upon his mentality in decision making. He has always been headstrong, and when faced with a decision in which he or others might have doubted his ability, he simply stuck out his chin and said that if someone else could do it, so could he. Others may take this as overconfidence or bigheadedness, but I can attest that my father’s heart abounds with humility. When having to recover from the consequences of a poor decision, both of my parents used the exact same phrase; move forward. An attempt should be made to learn from the mistake, but don’t linger on it. There is always a bright side to every situation, even when it is not always in …show more content…

My mother said not to be afraid to try hard things and to push yourself out of your comfort zone. Always use prayer and judgement in your action, but don’t be afraid to move forward. Don’t choose not to do something simply because you are afraid to. My father’s answer was a summary of all of his previous answers. He tenderly said, the sun will come out tomorrow, never give up, move forward, and if somebody else can do it, you can

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