Internet Cafes: The Positive Effects Of Internet Cafes

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In Dumaguete City there are more internet cafés that are being opened; these shops offer different kinds of services like the usage of their computers which usually costs Php 10- Php 20 per hour. People use computers in internet cafes to gain data and information, and to entertain themselves; some of the activities that are usually done by customers are: play computer games, visit their social media accounts such as their Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts, and use search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, and etc. Internet cafés in Dumaguete City open up for long periods of time per day, some open up for 14 hours such as CITInet and JM’S NET@GAMING ZONE internet café; alarmingly some open for up to 24 hours per day, these internet …show more content…

One of this is that, using computers in internet cafés do lessen the stress level of the user. Based on the results that were gathered by the researchers, it showed that about 74 percent of the respondents claimed that they go to internet cafés to relax themselves and to relieve their stress. Furthermore, the activities that were commonly done by these respondents were: playing computer games which 28 of them did, 23 by using social media, 18 by streaming online for movies or videos, and 3 by blogging. In addition, these activities improved their thinking skills; about 23 or 62 percent of those who claimed that doing such activities relieves their stress. But, in terms of using these improvements in the thinking abilities, about 70 percent or 16 of them claimed that it does not apply to their academic works. This implies that even though computer usage in internet cafés do relieve a person out of stress or improve their thinking abilities, these does not apply towards more important matters such as in the application to academic …show more content…

Internet cafes operating for 24 hours per day have its positive and negative effects. These shops tend to waste more energy meaning it would result into a higher amount to be paid in electric bills and more shopkeepers would be employed resulting into less profit for the owners. This would also result on its customers to use computers late in the evening thus putting them at

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