Interior Monologue

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Your vocal chords tightened, your breath hitches. The light of your cellphone is the only outlet that keeps you from being fully enveloped by the darkness. Aggressively, your heart thumps in your chest. The tremor in your entire body is violent as footsteps moved through the dark. They move closer and closer until they halt in front of the stall you had occupied. The moment you open your mouth to scream for help there is an abrupt, loud, bang. The force of the impact was strong enough to shake the walls of your stall. You squeak in terror, the surprise has you drop your phone. The device, still lit, slides under the opening of the door. Muddled as your thoughts were, you swiftly crouched down to reclaim it. Your fingers extended, nearly grazing …show more content…

He removes his hand, and replaces it with his lips. Cold lips smash over yours in a bruising kiss. This time, your head does thump the wall behind you. You whimper as something wet, his tongue you guessed, swipes your bottom lip. Defiantly, your lips purse in outright refusal. There is a low growl in response to your rejection, and the hand that disappeared returns with a partner. Your fear magnifies. The point of something cold, and sharp, a blade presses against your throat. There is a tiny sting. You do not know if he has drawn blood or not, but nevertheless you understand. It’s a warning; comply or else. Begrudgingly, you slowly part your lips for him. The attacker wasted no time and he invades your mouth. A satisfied rumble emits from within his chest as he caresses your tongue with his. It is indeed a traumatizing experience. To be molested by some stranger in the dark was immensely devastating. You whimper feebly, the desperate tears roll down your cheeks. You were almost thankful when he breaks the kiss. The keyword is almost, because his lips dip down to move to a new target; your neck. The pitter-patter of your heart rises steeply. The edge of the blade tilts up, and you are forced to crane your neck back, consequently allowing the attacker better

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