Chapter 17: Goodbye

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2 months later:

Sharon went back after a 15 day stay and she also won the best female singer of The Battle though her band didn’t win the competition. Sharon decided to let Jake go off her mind, she is strong girl and I’m glad she decided to leave; he doesn’t deserve her at all. Justin was back to normal, writing, recording songs, working in the studio all time. Trust me, he is very hard working. Well, about me and Justin are having a perfect life. Our plan is working very well, after attending the university; he picks me up then we both hangout for one hour everyday then he drops me to the hostel and go back to our boring lives.

Justin called me and asked me to meet him at the bakery shop near my hostel. I was on time and as usual he was late. I was sitting at the corner table having my brownie when somebody grabbed me from behind and kissed me on the check, Justin. He wore a cap and glasses to hide his identity in the public place.

“Sorry. I’m late” Justin said and sat down next to me.

“I’m used to it” I said and rolled my eyes.

“I said, I’m sorry”

“You always say that”

“Can we talk about this later? I have some serious stuff to talk about.”


“My Believe Tour” these three words was the last thing I would want to hear. I have been ignoring this topic for a long time.

“I know you don’t want to talk about it but we have to face it.
“Face what Justin? I won’t be able to see you for one year!”

“I told you we can always meet each other, you can visit me, we can skype or call all the time”.

“Justin you know that this year I’ll be getting busy with my archeologist course and I can’t call you all the time because you’ll be visiting different cities and you wont change your numbers every time and skype, Justin there ...

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...n the car. I tried to ignore him and forced myself to concentrate on the words. For a minute or so, I was able to block out everything around me when I hear Justin’s voice again.

“Alex, are you okay?”

“Yes. Why?”

“You don’t read books. That’s why” he had a point, reading books wasn’t my cup of tea.

“Justin?” I said.


“Do you love me?

“What type of question is that? Ofcourse I do!” he exclaimed

“You won’t leave me no matter what happens?”

“Alex, are you…” before he could complete, he saw my crying and brought the car to a halt.

He stared at me for a while. Then, wiped my tears off and made his lips meet mine. His lips were soft and he was gentle. I found myself kissing him back. The kiss didn’t last long and it wasn’t the kind of worldshaking, deep-thrilling kiss we see in movies these days; but even so, I was glad he kissed me. I needed that one.

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