Improving Interdisciplinary Communication In Health Care

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Introduction The purpose of this paper is to broaden the reader’s perspective on effective communication, from a nurse’s point of view. The style of patient communication, interdisciplinary communication and patient safety is a complex infrastructure comprised of many disciplines to achieve higher levels of patient outcomes. I will define the seven principles of communication, and discuss how three of these principles are used in my interactions. Next, the three methods that improve interdisciplinary communication will be discussed, as well as which method is used within my healthcare setting. Moreover, I will define and describe three methods being used to improve interdisciplinary communication with an example of implementation …show more content…

In a truly supportive environment, an area that will provide a patient strength to develop a harmonized goal: a common understanding in a mutually agreed upon care plan (Burkhardt & Nathaniel, 2014). In addition, of the right information, which provides equal access to the patient’s records allow all team, members including the patient to be current and update to date on all finds to proceed correctly (Burkhardt & Nathaniel, 2014). . Appropriate decision makers are not only defined as someone appointed by the patient, but also appropriate clinicians’ specific to that patient’s needs (Burkhardt & Nathaniel, 2014). . Continuing learning, the expansion of knowledge, prepares the patient to strategize as their care and health evolves (Burkhardt & Nathaniel, 2014). . These principals can flourish only when transparency and full disclosure of how science and system have limits (Burkhardt & Nathaniel, 2014). …show more content…

I am governed by state laws, not often encountered in the public nursing sector. However, that does not prevent me from providing application of three of these principals in my daily work setting. Mutual respect, sets the stage for how the inmate and I are going to interact together. I provide the inmate time to express feeling or concern in an open forum without out fear of punishment hence allowing this to be establish. Harmonized goal, provides the inmate with confidence that he as a patient has been cared for as opposed to an inmate neglected. The inmate and I achieve this together when we both work toward a mutual agreement on a course of action and implement this with an agreed goal in mind. Lastly, I reinforce this communication line with continuing education. Continuing education provides, the communication forum to remain open and continually evolve. By empowering the inmate to learn about their current medical condition through discussions and literature. I not only meet the physiological needs of the inmate, I meet their psychosocial needs. Inmates have been judged and sentenced by the court of law. As a nurse, I am not here to judge them

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