Interactive Activity Paper

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Interactive Activity Research Paper Sierra Robinson CVCC Interactive Activity Research Paper Do you think officials in Washington, D.C. pay attention to the public's views? Do you think the public is educated about our government? When I started reading articles at the Pew Research Center's website one of the first things I noticed was this.“Yet, when asked how their news media are doing on reporting different political issues fairly, people are far more mixed in their sentiments, with many saying their media do not deliver.” Reading further into the article I found that “52% across the 38 nations polled say the news media in their country do a good job of reporting on political issues fairly, while 44% say they do not.” The information I gathered from a table told me that in the U.S 47% think that political issues are fair. 58% think that news is about government leaders and officials. 56% say that they report news accurately. 61% say they report the most important news events. In 38 countries, mostly young people ages 18 to 29, are more likely get their news online then an adults 50 or older. But older people are more interested various types of news unlike younger people. From the information I have gathered I agree with the people in the U.S that think the government officials in Washington, D.C. do not pay enough …show more content…

They mostly just have harsh, rude, and uneducated opinions on/about the government. They know what they see on social media, what other people tell them or the television. At least that is the truth about what I know about the government. I asked some of my family members what they know about the government. I was told “they rip us off and take our money” and “they suck”. Not many people know much about stuff within the government other than how they take money. Most people hate the government because of how they do thing and because of what they have heard about

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