Integumentary System Research Paper

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Integumentary system is the warrior part of the body; it is the organ system that protects the body from outside damages. The Integumentary System has 6 main organs: Skin, hair, sense receptors, sweat glands, and oil glands.With all of these organs, the integumentary system’s function is to protect the regulation of the body temperature, synthesis of chemicals, and contains sense organs. A few ailments/diseases that affect the Integumentary system is acne/warts, eczema, psoriasis, and even the deadly skin cancer. We can keep the Integumentary system healthy by staying hygienic. Meaning you have to take a shower everyday, cut your nails, wash your hands, use soap and shampoo, and apply moisturizer on your skin. If you do all that you will not only keep the integumentary system healthy, but you will also keep yourself looking young and beautiful. …show more content…

Symptoms of Anorexia can dramatic weight loss, obsession with food labels, vomiting after eating, and pretending to eat or lying about eating. Risk to this type of diet can be body dissatisfaction, strict diet, perfectionism. We can prevent/treat Anorexia by getting medical treatment, have a good nutritional diet, and get counseling/therapy for anorexia.
Bulimia is an eating disorder in which a large quantity of food is consumed in a short period of time, often followed by feelings of guilt or shamethen you starve to loose weight. Symptoms of Bulimia are calluses on the hands/knuckles because of the vomiting, puffy cheeks, yellow teeth, normal weight person. Risks for Bulimia involve a difficult time managing emotions, low self-esteem, higher incidences of sex abuse. We can treat/prevent Bulimia talking to a close one, avoiding public influences, and talking to a professional to help the patient stop this eating

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