Integrity In The Workplace Essay

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Integrity in the workplace Integrity in the workplace starts with Honesty, Confidentiality, and loyalty to define integrity we will go over these three aspects first let’s look at the definition of integrity (the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness) How can we define moral uprightness moral uprightness begins with the standard set by yourself and by the culture we live in a few things you might say are morally upright might be keeping the data that was trusted to you secret if you’ve been trusted to keep something and not say post it to the internet for example: you get your new credit card, you’re not just going to take a picture of it and post the numbers online because you want to keep you money safe so try to do the same thing with the records your trusted with in a business setting. Honesty is the first of the three Aspects of integrity in the workplace we will go over Confidentiality …show more content…

Allegiance is the aspect of being dependably and the employers security that you are sticking with them allegiance is a good way to show that there isn’t an issue with you

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