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“The task that we must set for ourselves is not to feel secure, but to tolerate insecurity” -Erich Fromm. Insecurity is a feeling of uncertainty or anxiety about oneself; it is a lack of confidence. In other words it’s the fear of not knowing what could be, or what will be in one’s life or in one’s self. Insecurities stop us from accepting new opportunities or relationships that could change our lives because of not being acquainted with the unknown. The unknown is a thought most people tend to overthink and analyze. An insecure person craves reassurance and demands to know the outcome of a situation even before it arises. A personal insecurity I used to have was not being accepted by family and society, in some aspects I still am. I’m not an introvert but I’m definitely not a party person. During my stay in England, attending several festivities that lasted hours, you can imagine I was not in my comfort zone. Never had I felt more insecure. Every day I was told to “go dance!” or “engage more!” but there was nothing more I wanted to do than go sightseeing instead. Everyone around me was having a blast dancing and interacting yet I was content with lounging around. In those moments I wished to be an extrovert so I could fit in with the others. I began to feel insecure with myself, dreading the next event, staying out of the limelight. For a year I avoided parties because I did not want anybody to think I was boring. Eventually I realized there is nothing wrong with not enjoying parties, it is just my personality. I do not have to follow the steps of my mother who is a social butterfly. The insecurity I had was a fear of not being accepted, but now I recognize I want society to accept me for whom I am, as cliché as it sounds. I...

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...ake her super model worthy and she accepts them. Her fear was created within herself, in a dark corner of her brain, and she had let the insecurity take over her world but not for long.
The human mind is a powerful and persuasive luxury, but it also holds the key to your indefinite choices, ones that could lead to disasters. Insecurities change the way you think, act and convey yourself. Insecurities can block your path to freedom with bricks and metal locks, but there is always a tactic to tear them down. Once the fear and anxiety of the unknown is out of your mind, the only obstacle stopping you is yourself. Embrace your insecurity with open arms and learn to cope with it. One of the steps to a prosperous and healthy life is to love your flaws and to never give them the power to control you. Do not let your insecurity control who you are or who you want to be.

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