Informative Essay On 'The JEI Talent Show'

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The JEI Talent Show On Friday, August 18th, JEI Summer Camp held a Talent Show/Play, featuring all of the JEI students. The theme was a modern fairy tale,featuring the most awesome in the entire world Avery Li as the princess, Arunav Dey as the prince, Vera Li as the servant, and Annabelle Zhang as the Witch/Queen/Mom. Mrs. Lauren Spiller, a reading and writing directed the whole play. The students featured in the play by participating in the talent show. Some talents included violinists, pianists, gymnasts, artists, dancers, artists, and much more. We can all agree that the performances were awesome, and that we have a bunch of talented people in our camp. What we loved about the talent show of Week 7 is that it showed off each person’s

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