Informative Essay On Chemotherapy

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Radiation therapy is a very common treatment for cancer. It uses high-energy of radiation to destroy or damage the cancer cells. The treatment can damage normal cells, while trying to destroy cancerous cells.

There are many side effects to radiation therapy. It can cause early and late side effects. Short term side effects take place during treatment. Long side effects take place months or years after the treatment has ended. The different side effects depend on the different area of the body being treated. Short term effects include skin irritation or damage to regions expose to the radiation. Hair loss occurs when the head or neck area is treated. Urinary problems occur when the lower abdomen is treated. Most short term effects disappear …show more content…

Chemotherapy stops or slows the growth of the cancer cells, but it could also damage healthy cells. The damage that is done to healthy cells causes side effects. Usually, side effects get better or go away after chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is designed to cure cancer, control cancer, or ease the cancer symptoms depending on the patient’s conditions.

Chemotherapy is often combined with other treatments depending on many different factors. It is a systematic treat. It affects the entire body, not just the area effected. It is deeply advised you weight the sides effects against the risk of not getting the treatment. Chemotherapy is commonly used to prepare you for other treatments.

The side effects of chemotherapy: easy bruising, excessive bleeding, diarrhea, fatigue, hair loss, appetite loss, vomiting, infections, neuropathy, memory problems, sexual/fertility changes, lymphedema, and memory problems. Those are just some of the many side effects of chemotherapy. Your doctor can help you avoid the side effects or manage them. These are the short period side effects. There are very few long term side effects to chemotherapy. It can cause damage to the heart, kidneys, lungs, nerves, and reproductive organs. The most severe is developing a second

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