Informative Essay On Cheetahs

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The cheetah is known as a very interesting animal for many reasons. One of the prime examples of why so many people believe the cheetah is such an amazing animal is because of the speed it contains. For example, the cheetah can accelerate to speeds of over sixty miles per hour in a matter of three seconds, which is in fact, faster than some cars.(Cheetah facts, about cheetahs 1). Believe it or not, sixty miles per hour isn’t the fastest a cheetah can run! The fastest recorded time for a cheetah’s running speed was seventy five miles per hour while using their tails to steer. (Murray 1) (One Kind, Cheetahs 1). For example, cheetahs can turn in midair when they’re at a full sprint, which is pretty amazing. (One Kind, Cheetahs 1). Another reason the cheetah is such an incredible animal to observe is their hunting ability. Cheetahs are often predators in the wild, which means they hunt other …show more content…

I mean, what other animal can run seventy five miles per hour through treacherous terrain and come out on their feet, or last three to four days without drinking? Not only are they classified by their great speed and agility levels, but another way to classify these amazing animals is by their physical appearance, featuring light tan fur with darker brown spots and a height of about three and half feet, along with a weight of anywhere from seventy seven to one hundred and forty four pounds.(Cheetah facts, about cheetahs 1) That is incredible because that means an insane amount of power in a small to medium sized animal. (Cheetah facts, about cheetahs 2)
For these reasons along with many more, I feel like the cheetah should be protected at all costs. There are many reasons why the cheetah is known as an amazing animal, and there are also many ways these animals can be protected. With enough people interested and willing to help, I hope that one day we will have the cheetah population back and better than

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