Information Technology In Major League Baseball

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Information Technology in Major League Baseball

Information Technology has quickly became an everyday part of life. It is used in almost every aspect of our lives. It used at home to check e-mail, send text messages, and surf the web. It is used at work for networking and even many modern telephone systems. In many cases IT is simply a part of our day. Major League Baseball is no different. The league has also become very active in the IT world. It is used in almost every single aspect of the game, as well as the business. If you look back at baseball through the ages, it is easy to see just how much it has changed. The trick for Major League Baseball was they knew they had to advance to keep up in today’s world. However, at the same time, they knew that fans loved the game of baseball because of its history. Baseball has a legendary past that is appealing to fans. They want the modern technologies without losing the vintage appeal. Major League Baseball has done just that. They have become one of the most technologically advanced sports in America. Everything from how tickets are purchased all the way to just how the games are broadcast, it has all changed dramatically.

The game of baseball became much more accessible to the fans and opened up a whole new way of visualizing the game, beginning in 1921. In August of 1921, the first Major League baseball game was broadcast over the radio. It was between the Pittsburg Pirates and the Philadelphia (HistoricBaseball.com1). Although the game was broadcast by Grantland Rice, he was not actually at the game. He was simply giving the reports over the radio as they were sent to him by telegraph from the actual game. This style of commentating lasted well into the 1930’s. However, this era finally began to see a downturn with the introduction of Major League Baseball on television.

On August 26, 1939, Major League baseball had its first televised game. It was between the Brooklyn Dodgers and the Cincinnati Reds. The announcer was Red Barber and he called the game using no monitors and only two cameras. One camera was on him and the other was behind home plate.

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