Influence Of Food On American Culture

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Food is one of the most important aspects of our lives. Food has bigger meaning in our life than nutrition for our survival. Our food preferences are not only an important aspect of our self-image, but they often are the defining characteristics of entire cultures. One of the most recognizable feature of a culture is the food that they are famous for. Italians are known for their Pasta, Japanese are known for their Sushi, Russia is known for Borsch, many Asian cultures are known for their use of rice, and so on. And each culture springs about food preferences that are drastically different from each other. Some cultures may have a narrow view of what is edible and other cultures may have a wider scope. For example, in my culture, consumption of pork is absolutely prohibited. In contrast in USA pork and especially bacon almost has a cult following.
Although globalization has opened doors to all cultures, bringing access for almost everyone to enjoy foods from cultures so remote, we still hold on to …show more content…

Outside influences that impact her beliefs of therapeutic uses of food are medical researches and science. She believes that our perception and attitude toward food also influences how well we respond to medicine or food that are used to treat a person. The American culture has impacted her culture by introducing the concept of convenience. Originally, foods in our culture are prepared with natural ingredients, making everything from scratch. American culture introduced packaged foods and prepped ingredients that can be used such as dough. Also, living in the US and working has introduced time constraints so that sometimes eating out is necessary since she doesn’t have time to cook. She believes that her cultural habits influenced American culture by creating places that sell halal food and restaurant that serve halal

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