Ineffectiveness Of Dying Language In Kenan Malik's Let Them Die

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Evaluating an article is a good way to understand what an author wants to do and tell the readers. In his article, “Let Them Die”, Kenan Malik mentions two types of language, common languages such as English and Spanish, and dying language such as Native American language, Catawba. (Kenan Malik 85) Those dying languages are lost in every two weeks. (Masci 942) His main argument is that language death should be acknowledged rather than trying to keep it. His ideas that include the main argument which common language is better than dying language are explained by using many examples such as linguist’s quote and references. Based on some ideas and examples, he tries to tell readers that common language has more advantages than dying language. …show more content…

In his article, he tries to show readers his ideas and concepts with examples. For instance, he chooses example of Nazism when he claims racial differences regard as a cultural perspective from a biological perspective which was disliked causes of Holocaust by Nazism. (Malik 86) He also picks French to explain all people who have common language do not have a common recognition against the world. (Malik 86) These examples are related to his arguments when he claims ineffectiveness of dying language so examples he gives in the article can make his ideas simply because the readers are likely to imagine how the author tries to say ineffectiveness of dying language. Also, these examples are reliable for readers because he uses factual references and examples which is one of the techniques in article “Thinking and Reading Critically”. His idea is strengthened by using this technique. For example, in “Let Them Die”, he says “Today, biological notions of racial difference have fallen into disfavor, largely as a result of the experience of Nazism and the Holocaust”.(Malik 86) Nazism and the Holocausts are very famous institution and event in world history as everyone knows. People are likely to think about how much the author wants to discourage preservation of dying language. These examples show how you can convince people well because factual example can be a reliable evidence, and support claims to make easy to understand for

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