Industrial Trusts In The Gilded Age

1350 Words3 Pages

Gait Nairn
p. 4
Ch. 24 questions
The transcontinental railroad connected people across the country, allowing for more rapid exchange of goods and services, meaning the local economy of an area can be utilized elsewhere. It also facilitated the influx of immigrants, so they could be more sparse and utilized better.
Industrial trusts were systems where a company would grant ownership to another company by selling stocks. These trusts eventually became large monopolies of that industry. Trusts drove many small companies out of business that could not compete with the economies of scale that the trusts produced.
One important effort was the Sherman Antitrust Act, which was passed by Congress in 1890, and it required the gov’t to pursue trusts that …show more content…

Authors crafted literary works based on city migrations, new opportunities, and new problems in society, showering the people with new ideas and different perspectives. Through their works, authors were able to express individual opinions on industrial life, thus influencing others to appeal for change in urban society as well. Many new authors crafted new ideologies that took America by storm, for example evolution and feminist …show more content…

In 1890 a group of women called National American Woman Suffrage Association demanded for voting rights. But then came along a new generation of women who deserved their rights and were equal to men. The greatest single cultural transformation of the Gilded age was the day Wyoming called the“Equality State” in 1869 granted suffrage to women and then late in 1890 granted wives to own or control their property after marriage. There was a large concentrated area in the West which adopted women's suffrage, the spread was slowly making its way to the east with most countries in the midwest with partial voting for women, but the east still struggled with women’s rights. I believe this was the greatest cultural transformation because even though there was so much commotion from the urbanization the women were still missing their voting rights which took away from their equal rights which diminished the “democracy” American was really living

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