Indians And English Relationship Essay

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The relationships and interactions between the Indians and the English was complicated. At first the relationship was peaceful and friendly, between the English and Indians, it gradually deteriorated as more settlers began to come in and push US boundaries westward. Moving many of the Indians in these lands away from their homes. The English tried to assimilate the Indians to their culture, pass unjust laws and treaties and developed problems with trading with the Indians in the years between 1600 - 1700. When these two forces met with a conflict almost always there was death or bloodshed of both parties. Due to the excessive amounts of conflicts between the Indians and the English, it was inevitable not to have battles/wars, peace agreements, …show more content…

The English tried to assimilate the Native Americans into the English society. The English made an executive decision for the Native Americans that were “Native American children need to be educated by the Europeans in some aspects of subjects,” from this document alone it shows that the Europeans were trying to assimilate them into their own culture and society. Native Americans regularly went to the English settlers homes to trade and exchange goods. In document B, it shows how the English settlers were welcoming the Native Americans into their homes and feasted. This peace didn’t last forever when conflict arose each side truly believed that they weren’t the ones to blame. The Chieftain was believed to be the one to start the conflict between the Native Americans and English …show more content…

The English defeated the Native Americans during the war as the English burned their homes and towns. The Native Americans were outmatched by the English sophisticated techniques and superior weaponry. This shows just of the ways the English took advantage of the Indians. After the torture and violently attacking the Native Americans the English made a peace treaty with the Native Americans. In Document E, in 1677 a Governoe sought to protect the Native Americans. The governor stated that the Native Americans had treated him better than his own people in the

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