Incubus: The Legend Of The Dungeon

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Prologue & Chapter 1 (Part 1) Prologue - A legend from long ago, of a dungeon sealed away for causing too much harm. But that legend has faded over time, and nations have since ignored the warnings of the legend of the dungeon of evil devil, Incubus. But one day, the seal finally gave way, and the dungeon was open once again. “Oh! I am awake!” “Master, you are awake!” A small demoness bows, she had grey skin, and pitch black hair. A slender figure with two large exposed breasts, she looks every bit like a lewd horny succubus. “Of course.” A skinny, human-sized demon crawled out of the crystal coffin, and he grabbed the succubus’s breasts with both his hands. Instantly her entire body seemingly tensed and convulsed, and her love fluids …show more content…

[Access LOG] He spoke softly, his hands still touching her breasts. At that moment, the demoness froze, and her eyes glowed. Then an interface appeared from the light glowing out of her eyes, like that of a projector. His eyes flashed as he read through the log information, “Oh, it’s been 2,000 years.” He spoke softly,, and looked at the four walls around his dungeon core. The dungeon has shrunk tremendously since the sealing by the Goddess of Light and Justice, Allindra, but as an otherworldly presence, the Demon Lord of Lust and Desire, Hakata, is resistant to their godly powers. The succubus before him is the core of the dungeon, the manifestation of a portion of his powers in the form of a dungeon, the anchor to his presence in the mortal realm. Though the succubus, Lia, cannot leave the dungeon as the dungeon core, Hakata was free to leave as he please, and walk the mortal realm, like all other demons. When Allindra sealed the dungeon and locked it away from the world’s powers, it had also pulled him back into the dungeon. [Access Dungeon Menu & Minimap] “Oh. I really have to start over, …show more content…

Alicia nodded, and looked over the briefing document again. Seems easy enough, there are sightings of imps in the deep forests, go exterminate them. She was a young paladin, just finished her training in the regional main town, Calamb, a few months ago. She had came to this small town in the south of the Kingdom, as required for her deployment, and would need to serve in the town’s army for about two to five years before she would be redeployed or promoted elsewhere. Here, it was all about pest control, mainly the monsters that spawn in the forests. So Alicia had gotten used to fighting monsters. The first time she killed a monster, a few years ago, she couldn’t sleep. It’s screams as it faced death repeated in her head. But now, after months of repeated monster hunting with the rest of the town’s standing army, she had gotten used to it. “Ah, life’s so boring, only hunting these critters all the time.” Alicia sighed alone, her hands polishing her sword. “That’s what you get being a paladin, Alicia.” Another paladin who Alicia’s senior in the town. “It’s not all the parades and happy moments. We don’t get massive dragons or occult practices in this quiet peaceful town. It’s good that

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