Inclusive Work Scenario

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This HR Manager has his work cut out for him to create an inclusive work environment! There are a lot of problems for such a small organization. However, by handling each issue individually, he can create a more inclusive environment, and possibly protect the company from some nasty lawsuits.
The first issue, the random salary offerings, can be solved by doing a job analysis and description and creating a formal pay structure for all company positions. This will help create a more transparent system, give clear hiring and compensation guidelines, and prevent favoritism.
When evaluating the second issue, the manager and his sales team meeting at strip clubs, a possible solution would be to create a policy that does not allow reimbursement …show more content…

The HR manager should review the record of all employees to see if there is a pattern of discrimination. If this appears to be the case, upper management should be contacted and the problem needs to be corrected before a lawsuit is brought against the company. Additionally, this issue could be helped by starting a mentorship program that pairs employees of different backgrounds and skills to improve communication and foster an attitude of teamwork.
The next dilemma is a place for breastfeeding mothers. Perhaps an empty office with a locking door could be allocated for use or even an empty cubicle which could be screened and signs posted to allow privacy would work, especially for a smaller company where this may be a temporary situation. Flexibility and clear communication will lead to a comfortable solution.
The issue of English only on the manufacturing floor should be examined. Is it in place because of discrimination or is it a safety issue? For example, all pilots are required to speak English so that there is clear communication which prevents accidents. If the English requirement on the manufacturing floor is so that everyone understands warnings and knows what is occurring on the floor at any given time, the policy should be left in place. If this is not the intent, the rule could be discriminatory based on national origin and should be …show more content…

Even if someone refers a friend, it does not mean that the company will hire them, so the company maintains control over who it hires and how diverse the workforce is. Potentially, the program could be beneficial if handled properly, so it should be left in place and monitored.
Finally, when the HR manager overheard someone speaking about those wearing turbans in a derogatory manner, he should have taken immediate action. A verbal warning that these types of comments are not appropriate and could lead to an EOCC violation could be issued if they were speaking in general and not referring to an employee. If they were referring to specific employees, a write up should be done and put in the manager’s file. Another option if this is a widespread issue might be a refresher course on diversity training.
When all the problems are addressed, the company will have a better culture and all employees will feel welcome. It will also foster an atmosphere of teamwork which will benefit both the company and employee relations. If, however, the company is unwilling to address the issues, this may not be the culture that is right for the HR Manager, and he may consider moving to a company that is a better

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