In Order To Live By Yeonmi Park

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In order to live is a story about a girl named Yeonmi Park about her struggles through her life in North Korea. Park tells us how her parents and her struggle to scape and how difficult it is to live and survive in North Korea. She describes how at the age of thirteen she is in human trafficking in China and how she escapes it to work at a phone company to then goes to a Christian mission to be able to get to south Korea. She shows how her family gave up everything to have a better life no matter what. This book relates to my college experience in the way that my parents are giving up everything for me to succeed. My parents studied and made their entire life in another country, which is now known as a communist country, which is Venezuela. The year I was born a dictator was chosen as the president of this country. Since then my dad knew we had to move to another country. When I turned ten my mom got pregnant with a boy. Since my parents knew we had to move out of the country they decided to have him in the United States of America. My brother was born in the united states of America and …show more content…

We tried reaching out to him, we tried to help him realize that we would not judge him because he was family and family should always support and love each other no matter what. This is similar to how Parks’ sister got lost in China and appeared on her own even though Parks and her mom tried everything they could to get her back. They tried television announcements, to being on very popular shows. What we tried was a little different because we had a phone to contact him on. We texted him, we called him, we even messaged him on social media through the private messages. One day after many years he appears at our front door visiting us from God knows where; but we were so happy to see him we didn’t

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