In Memory Of Snow Covered Cedars Of Lebanon

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Cedars of Lebanon I feel like this poem was more directed to the reader and the narrator wanted to make known of the snow covered environment. Based on what is described, I can tell that this takes place in a snow covered forest; “If you can see them, the snow-covered cedars, crowning the hills, come”. One line that stuck out to me was Will you find me with the bloodied snow-where some frail was raptured? This made me think that the author had died and that the author told me to find his body. I found this poem very descriptive with the environment that it takes place in and its use of communicating with the reader. In Memory of My Parents Who Are Not Dead Yet I feel like this poem is puzzling because to me it does not directly talk about the author’s parents or even reference them. It seems the author was describing how people win love and she uses the bachelorette as an analogy. I did found the title a little misleading, but the author was more or less describing how she views love. One line that stuck to me was “It hurts to not be everyone else. If love dies it was already dead” I think this questions whether if people will love you if your just like them and if love was not there, then it never existed. …show more content…

I think the author was describing the beginning of a process or the birth of something; “It begins with the division of a solitary cell, then it grows”. Is the author describing the flow of life or is the author writing to the author in terms of succeeding in the

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