Improved abilities of humanity from video games

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Can video games improve the abilities of humanity? A hard question to answer, but with research it could be answered, most people would say "no" that video games fry people brains and make kids violent, but research suggest that video games have real-world benefits for your brain and body. Daphne Bavelier a professor of brain and cognitive science at the university of Rochester conducted more than 20 studies on young people playing action based video games. Her studies show that video gamers show improved skills in vision, attention, and certain aspects of cognition. Gamers also perform better than non-gamers on certain tests of attention, speed, accuracy, vision, and multitasking. Gamers show improved skill in the kind of vision called contrast sensitivity, which is the abilities to see subtle shades of gray and this comes in handy to see other cars when driving in a fog. Gamers are also able to see smaller types of font than non-gamers. Researchers have found these effects of the visual skill of contrast sensitivity last for up two years. Several tests to measure attention found that gamers get less distracted by what came before and by events in their surroundings. Gamers are able to detect new information coming at them faster than non- gamers. Studies found that gamers do not activate as much of their brain to do very complicated things with their hands, which people need to be able to do. Non-gamers have to think a lot more and use a lot more of the workhorse parts of their brain for hands-eye coordination, where as gamers really did not have to use that much brain at all, and they just use these higher Cognitive centers to do it. Studies show that people who play action based vid... ... middle of paper ... ...llzone" and "Grand Theft Auto" behaved more aggressively against their gaming opponents. Does video game improve the abilities of humanity, I would say yes from this research, as it shows improvement in physical and mental skills. The real question is can video games change the way of training, studying, and school. Can it help produce an evolved a super human? Works Cited

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