Important Character Traits

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Everyone says that people have many character traits. Weather it is a nace trait or something bigger than that each trait is important. Some people get their traits from their mom or some get their traits from their dad. Having traits is what shapes someone to becoming the best they can be. Many people have traits that help them to lead to success including bravery, perseverance, good decision making, or good leadership. Some of the most important character traits that help someone lead to success are leadership, good decision making, and perseverance. In order to be successful someone needs to have leadership. If someone is in charge or running a meeting they need the leadership trait. Say that someone is running a meeting, but they talk quiet and are scared to speak out. They will most likely not be a good leader. Not being able to lead is a big problem because someone will have trouble getting somewhere in …show more content…

If someone has a hard task ahead of them and they think they may not make it, they need perseverance. Perseverance is being able to push through something. If you do not have that trait then giving up is like a second nature to many people. If someone is in middle school and they have a big project due and they just do not feel like doing the rest of it, then they will not succeed at life. Even in middle school grades are everything. If someone never does any of their work then it will be hard for them to make it into the real world. Not being successful in middle school will mean that that person will not be successful in high school or college. If someone is a parent and they do not have the trait of perseverance, then they will not succeed. What if someone's parent just decided to stop parenting their kids? The world would be a different place. Parents need to persevere and continue parenting kids until they know better. In the end, everyone needs perseverance in order to be

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