On The Parent Lottery By Randy Pausch

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How Childhood Affects Success Randy Pausch was a professor at Carnegie Mellon University, he was also a husband and father of three children. Many say he was successful in his lifetime and Randy credits his childhood for his success throughout his novel. He tells about how his parents didn’t buy much but they made sure they had enough. Randy says his family was “frugal to a fault.” He tells about how his family would sit at dinner and if they had questions they were encouraged to look up the answers. Randy is thankful for this as he says it made him proud of who he is today. He learned at a very young age that it is good to have questions and even better to find out the answers. Randy’s parents taught him those values and that is why he says he won the “Parent Lottery.” …show more content…

Often times, you will here parents saying that they are doing the best that they can. Sometimes “the best that they can” isn’t always best for the child, as not every child wins the parent lottery. Unfortunately, not every parent tries to do the best that they can every day. Some parents do not want to be parents or are simply just tired of being parents, so they neglect their children. Thankfully, though, there are loving, caring parents who do get up every day and try their best for their children. They go to work so they have money to put a roof over their heads, food on the table, clothes on their back. There are many things parents give to their children but the most important thing a parent can give to his/her child is

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