Importance of Third Party Political Organizations in the US

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The United States of America has a plethora of political parties, however most of politics is dominated by two, the Democrats and the Republicans. However, there are also many other parties available that have their own issues and opinions on what should happen. The Constitution Party has its own solutions for common debatable topics such as gun control, the Affordable Care Act, and immigration policies. On the other hand, there are also political parties such as Libertarian Party that have ideas on how to save the economy and reform social security. Third party political organizations are an important part of the United States government. One of the major issues that the Constitution Party is currently against is gun control. In order to support their disagreement with the policy they call upon the 2nd Amendment of the Bill of Rights, which preserves citizens of the United States right to bear arms. According to their website, “armed people are free while disarmed people are slaves.” ( ). They believe that disarming or placing restrictions on having a firearm will result in a “total police surveillance state” and compares the policy to one that may have been imposed by dictators such as Stalin or Hitler. The Constitution Party does not believe that disarming the people of the United States will save lives or provide protection, but it will submit citizens and take away one of their crucial constitutional rights. Another key issue the Constitutional Party is against is the Affordable Care Act, commonly referred to as “ObamaCare”. The Affordable Care Act is an act proposed by President Obama that would allow government provided health care. Their main argument is that “government regulation and subsidy constitutes a threat to b... ... middle of paper ... ...control. According to Libertarians, simply following an investment/saving plan instead of relying on someone else to pay for you once you reach retirement will allow you to retire a millionaire. They propose that this shift in social security can be paid for by the trillions of dollars worth of assets that the United States government has. The Libertarian Party promises to introduce legislation that will allow you to be in control of your retirement future. To conclude, third party political organizations offer a different perspective to look at some of the nation’s leading issues. By analyzing these topics outside of the status quo dominant political parties, one can gain a fuller understanding of how to solve the issue at hand. The Constitutional and the Libertarian Party help contribute to an overall sense of America’s issues and some of the possible solutions.

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