Importance Of Unstructured Decision Making

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Decision making is the most important and challenging part of business management. Decision making is the proses by which organization members choose specific course of action in response to threats and opportunities (George and Jones, 1996). In recent, all of the organizations are enhancing their capability for purpose to survive in the competitions of the new century global market. The organizations are attempting to improve the decision making process so that it can be more efficient and highly effective to meet the successive fluctuations of the market. Many modern organizations, either medium or large sized, adopted Management Information System (MIS) to enhance the decision making based on information available. Information enables managers to make a better connection with organization, environment and each other. Managers have to know how to dealt with the information, collect, analyze and organize it. When the information are large and complex, it is difficult for the managers to make decision. If the organization have a significant MIS, it is easy for the organization to take decision on the basis of available information. Therefore, MIS is an effective tool …show more content…

Unstructured decisions made which there is little agreement on the decision component which are data, process and evaluation. All the decision makers can use the various data and processes to make the right decisions. Decisions made at the strategic management level are more unstructured. Most of the decisions related to long-term strategy can be categorized as unstructured. Decision makers do not have any rules to be followed in order to make right unstructured decisions. Therefore, decision makers have to apply their experience, knowledge, judgement and evaluation to solve the problems or take correct decisions (Paige Baltzan,

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