Importance Of Good Grades To Get On A Sports Team

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How would you feel if you didn’t make a sports team and you had good grades and was good at the sport but others got on because they were supposedly better? You would probably feel a little annoyed. Anyway lots of high schools have a certain GPA that students have to get to be on a sports team. Lots of high schools have to have a 2.0 GPA to make it on a sports team. But did you know some schools have eliminated the GPA requirement to get on a sports team. I feel that you should have good grades to be on a sports team because you shouldn’t get on a sports team just because you are good you should also have good grades, getting on a sports team should be earned, and you are a role model for your school when you are on a sports team. You shouldn’t get on sports team just because you’re good it should also matter about your grades. When you don’t have good grades in high school you are getting in the way of people who are trying to get on a sports team with good grades. Its sort if wasting peoples time if you were going to tryout for a sports team. Ted Biondo a newspaper blogger co...

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