Importance Of Geography Essay

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Yi-Fu Tuan once stated “Geography is the study of earth as the home of people”. The quote is saying that Geographers study the earth and how the earth affects humans that live on the planet. It is also saying that humans can affect the earth as well. Geography comes from the Greek roots geo and graphia. Geo means Earth and graphia is the study of. Therefore, Geography is the study or the writings of Earth. Geography is a science devoted to the study of earth and its ways. Geography developed as a science to show humans certain things on Earth, such as landforms, locations, landmarks, and other specific places or objects on maps. Most geographers can agree that geography is the study of how humans change their environment or adapt to it to …show more content…

Document 7 says “Recent world events lend a sense of urgency to geographic inquiry. Geography’s spatial perspectives help to relate economic changes in Europe, the Middle East, and other regions to the spatial distributions of cultural features...population growth and migration…”. The statement is saying that the locations of cities and countries or regions contribute or affect to other places. For example, places in the Eastern hemisphere might have the same languages. The language spreads throughout the land as migration takes place, causing languages, cultures, and religions to spread. Places might be where they are today because of the spread of those things into that region thousands of years ago. In document 8, the author states “Maps and mapping, of course, play a key role in how geographers analyze and portray the world. They are also key in introducing to others geographers’ ideas about the way that places and regions are made and altered.” From the text, you can see that the author is saying that without maps and mapping of the land, other geographers might not be able to see what other geographers see, people may not know what the world looks like. Therefore, without maps, humans would not know what the Earth actually looks like from above without going into space which is most likely impossible for most people. Geographers would not know where things are located on the surface and they would not be able to understand why places are at the locations that they

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