Importance Of Educational Assessment

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Educational assessment is a valuable tool for observing and assessing the results obtained by the students, as well as for checking the efficiency of the teaching process and consequently the improvement of it when necessary.
On the one hand, the teachers evaluate the learning process. They analyze it in order to detect if the objectives and key competences have been achieved. A recording of the student’s progress also provide students, parents and other teachers with some feedback on how well they are doing. When doing this, the students’ motivation increases as they have an evidence of their progress.
On the other hand, they evaluate the teaching process. The teacher evaluates its own teaching practice, the materials and methods used in relation to the achievement of the educational objectives established in order to review and update the teaching structure of work. Moreover, children who need special support can be identified to plan immediate remedial action. In one of the activities the teacher saw that one of the students has language problems.
Students are required to fulfill the minimum objectives for the level of 2nd Primary Education and the key competences designed to be able to promote to the next year. Those students with special needs have an adaptation of these objectives according to their problems, but in general, the whole class has to achieve these objectives.
In order to carry out the evaluation process a wide range of tools, materials and techniques are used. They are adapted to the specific needs of the class and of the students as individuals. Two kinds of assessment are considered:
Informal formative assessment. Based on daily observation and recording of students’ performance. It can check students’ prog...

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...epared to do it. On the one hand, it is difficult to treat students with the same criteria and satisfy the needs of each student due to the fact that there is a great quantity of students with each own personal characteristics. Furthermore, at the beginning I found difficult to deal with the students who are less able than others and need special help.
Looking back I would say that all my expectations haven’t been fulfilled. Apart from that I could say that this internship has been very useful and I have definitely learned a lot. During the internship I met a lot of people. I met teachers, other students from the university that like me, are in their internship and a lot of students. I am very grateful for the support of all of them that help me since the beginning, they integrate me in their group as one member more and they help me to solve different conflicts.

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