Maintaining Anonymity in Alcoholics Anonymous Journey

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I’m an alcoholic and sober today thanks to Alcoholics Anonymous. Our Fellowship is called Alcoholics Anonymous that is who we are, we are alcoholics who help each other get and stay sober, one day at a time and we don’t tell anyone who we’ve met at meetings. If I tell someone outside AA that Maggie, who lives next door to them or Tam who’s in a TV programme come to meetings, I’m breaking their anonymity. That’s quite straight forward. What wasn’t clear to me for a while was that if I tell a fellow AA member that I saw someone at a meeting, I’m breaking their anonymity. Just because someone has come to a meeting doesn’t mean they want people they haven’t yet met in AA to know what there’s doing. This is of great importance, especially to the …show more content…

Tradition 11 reminds us that ‘we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio and films’. We do this to protect AA from our egos and also, though this is more the Programme’s job, to protect ourselves from our egos. In the long form of Tradition 11 it says ‘Our names and pictures as AA members ought not be broadcast, filmed or publicly printed.’ And this means social media sites too. My full name and my picture are there on a public site. If I post on a social media site that I go to AA meetings I’m going against Tradition 11. Social media sites don 't have to know about our Traditions but we do and the onus is on us to understand them and work them in our sobriety. If someone is thinking of coming to AA and they see AA members identified as such on social media sites they might not come to AA for fear that their anonymity will be broken – and if they are alcoholic and don’t get sober they can die a slow or maybe not-so-slow horrible death. I’m not an expert on the inner workings of social media/networking sites but I did find out that a ‘closed group’ is not as private as I thought it would be with full names and profile pictures available for me to view before I had joined the group. Although I’m careful about my privacy settings I am still unsure about how it all works. I found the card printed by AA GB called ‘Hints and Suggestions on Internet Safety’ very helpful. The leaflet ‘Understanding Anonymity’ also available from AA GB, is great

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