The Benefits Of Online Anonymity

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Anonymous communication online has become a point of contention as more people are using the Internet to post information without taking ownership. This type of communication is being used to explore identity, but it is also being used as way for more people to engage in negative online activity. While there are many issues with anonymous posting, the risks of allowing for anonymity do not outweigh the benefits. Allowing anonymous online posting creates opportunity for those uncomfortable with expressing themselves publicly to experiment with their identity in a safe way as well as providing a level of protection for those who wish to expose negative realities without fear of punishment. Online anonymity has become more of an issue as more …show more content…

In a study of anonymous internet usage, “online users in pseudonym mode intent to seek the protection of privacy rights” (Houn-Gee, Chen, & Yang, 2008, p. 241). It would make sense that those who are concerned with anonymity online would also be more interested in preservation of privacy. Anonymous communication lends itself strongly to those seeking protection. Scott Craig (2004) claims “protecting one from subsequent contact” and “avoiding persecution and retaliation for one’s beliefs” (p. 132) are two of the benefits of online communication. The hacking group Anonymous is a good example of this need for protection. The group of hackers, who call themselves Anons, believe they are “crusaders for justice” (Kushner, 2014, para. 15). These hackers attack anything they perceive as injustice, and use the anonymity of the group to give them more freedom to work outside of the law while still seeking what they believe to be justice. Anyone who desires protection may find anonymity a safe way to …show more content…

When studying young adults posting anonymously online, “accounts of cyberbullying were evident throughout” (Keipi & Oksanen, 2014, p. 1109). Anonymous online communication creates an easy opportunity for people to post negative comments online. People will create fake accounts to post hateful information without regard to truth or how harmful this truth can be. Anonymous online communication also creates openings for hate speech posted anonymously in forums or comments sections online. This kind of posting can be as harmful as targeted cyberbullying in the wrong situation. Cyberbullying and harassment are both difficult problems with any form of online communication and are exacerbated in anonymous situations. Those who post anonymously can create dangerous situations for others and for themselves. For example, young males were inadvertently exposed to pornographic material online, and “an induced feeling of anonymity…resulted in a greater increase in an attitude of hostile sexism” (Jae Woong & Paul, 2014, p. 831). The young males exposed in this study were harmed by their exposure. Anonymity can create a situation where a person can become both a victim and an

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