Importance Of Active Citizenship

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Phoenix Falconer-Pincus 18749636 Critical Thinking and Media Studies: Semester 2 Assignment 1 What is the relevance of active citizenship in the context of globalisation? Globalisation has made the world a smaller place. Having so much connection with the world around us, means we are able to interact with other countries and communities in a way that has never been done before. This ability to connect has allowed people who are personally removed from certain environments to feel as if they are involved in said environment. The below essay will further explore this by the means of discussing Active Citizenship, Multidimensional Citizenship, and the A21 Movement. Citizenship, especially in our current political climate, is a highly sensitive and important discussion. To be a citizen of a country, one must be legally recognized as a member of a state or country. Active Citizenship is the academic notion that when one is a citizen of a society, one has roles and responsibilities in order to better and support their environment (Ahern, 2007). Active Citizenship can only occur when one feels completely …show more content…

Cogan University of Minnesota, 1997. “The Concept of Active Citizenship” Bertie Ahern, 2007. Slacktivism and the Kony 2012 Campaign. In the highly technological environment of the 21st Century, the way in which people interact and communicate with one another is vastly online. Social Media sites such as Facebook and Twitter allow for people to share their opinions and thoughts with others, simply and easily. This can be a positive thing due to allowing people to connect with others, but it can also be highly negative as it allows for the breeding of slacktivism. The below essay with explore Slacktivism with KONY 2012 as the case study. Slacktivism is the notion is a coined term for the “feel-good” means people take to support an

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