Illegal Immigrants In America

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The United States has allowed immigrants to reside in the country since the 19th century. The 19th century was during the colonial era in which groups of emigrants left their native country to form in a new land settlement. It was during this time the nation was experiencing an abundance of immigrants. Fast forwarding to the year 2015 immigration has been making headlines in the news, television, social media, and is one of the most controversial topics in politics. There have been many questions on what to do with illegal immigrants whether the U.S. should allow undocumented immigrants to become citizens or whether they should have the borders secured and controlled. Although the U.S. government policies toward immigration have remained neutral …show more content…

“The music, art, and literature of many cultures have nourished the American soul” (Ann Byers 107). America has learned so much from immigrants and there is much more that America can learn from them as the idea of immigration and different cultures, ethnicities, and races continue to become socially accepted. America is no longer segregated and integration has become normal to the current generation of U.S. citizens. There are folktales, books, legends, songs, and famous art structures and techniques that have come from Japanese, Brazilian and European immigrants. America has been blessed that many immigrants have brought their culture with them and have been shared in the U.S. and passed down through …show more content…

These waves of newcomers have triggered different views on immigrants as well as “this influx has provoked political controversy” because some Americans have welcomed them while others have objected the notion of foreigners. This debate in politics has been an issue for decades. When President Barrack Obama was elected president in 2009 his campaign was to advocate for immigrants. The issue wasn’t a priority until he was re-elected as president in 2013. He has taken action in the immigration reform department by announcing the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (D.R.E.A.M Act). This act gives legal status to undocumented children who were brought to the country. Obama has many opponents and there are people who don’t support bills passed like the D.R.E.A.M Act. Although this has sparked controversy and could become a very sensitive topic for people Americans tend to forget that the “ability to respect diverse cultural backgrounds is a vital skill in today’s globalized

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