Iliad And Troy Essay

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Films have always been used to bring out various cultural artifacts and traditions. Through film, it would be easier for one to point out the culture in which one or the main character belongs to. The Iliad and Troy remains to be amongst the most renowned literal and film pieces that have been read, viewed and appreciated throughout history. Just as is the film Troy, which is based on the epic, The Iliad, Gladiator is a 2000 British–American epic historical drama film directed by Ridley Scott. The Gladiator features the character of Crowe, a fictional character, who is very loyal to Roman general Maximus Decimus Meridius. Crowe is betrayed when Commodus, a very ambitious son to the then the emperor Marcus Aurelius takes over power after killing his father. Characters in both the Troy and the Gladiator movies were essentially dressed-up in military like artifacts. From both the Troy and the Gladiator, one would discover that the sword was a basic dress for most of the characters. In the Gladiator, we find the main character, Crowe having his sword every other time he is filmed. The first time Crowe took up the swords was when the throne had to change hands after Commodus took over the throne in cold blood. This change of power and the clear cut disappointment by Crowe would never have been shown to take a military approach, were it not for the dressing. The marching of the Greeks in Troy is military regalia presented a battalion that had all soldiers carrying a sword. This was a clear cut reflection of the weaponry of the time in which AuthorLastName3 the Sword was the main tool for war. On the other hand, Maximus in the film Gladiator engages in a duel with Commodus, stabbing him with the sword. Another major similarity betwe... ... middle of paper ... ... battles. Generally, one would find that Men in both films are mostly in the blue, while women are in downed in white attires. The design of clothes for soldiers and fighters in both the gladiator and Troy was done with great similarities. Both the Gladiator and Troy had fighters dressed in short length attires, perhaps to make it easier for them to move freely across different terrains. Both were armed with metallic shield to help fend off from bruising attacks, much of which was being fought using sword. The costumes used in both the Troy and the Gladiator films had great similarities. Much of the scene takes place with exchanges between warring groups with many of the fighters dressed in military regalia. Silvery gold was the color of choice for the main attire covering the main body of the Gladiators and fighters in AuthorLastName5 the Troy.

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