Identity Role Confusion

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According to Erik Erikson, the main issue for teens to young adults these days is identity vs. role confusion. Teens want to belong to a society and fit in, or else, they will not be sure about themselves or their place in society. Failure to establish this sense of identity can easily be a set-up for failure. I see this in effect all around me when I see everyone applying and choosing colleges. People are so committed into choosing a college because going to a specific college will affect his or her identity and role in life. Until a few months ago, I thought the same. In actuality, the reverse is true; it should be your innate identity that makes your college decision. It’s cringeworthy to see people who have built their life interests around …show more content…

Just like how Carnegie Mellon University is much more than just a great computer science school, I am much more than my accomplishments on paper or my activities on my Common App. I have picked up knitting in my spare time from my mom, and have used this experience in making a Lord of the Rings cloak. I am also passionate about food and learning how to cook new recipes of a wide range. If there I cannot find a cooking club at CMU, there is a high chance I would start one. Not does cooking implement all five of your senses in a gratifying way, it also crosses all barriers. Cooking is fueled on emotion and heritage as signature dishes like “haemul pajeon” (Seafood Scallion Pancake) only showcase another stripe of my “plaid” identity. The most fun hobby I picked up this year was learning KPop dances. Although it started as a way to lose some weight before the “freshman 15”, it turned into an exciting part of my weekend where I would go to the gym, practice in front of the mirror, and record my progress. Those moves even got me my prom date to say yes. The activities before are passions I have never answered in a college/scholarship essay before. But to me, these are just as important in creating my plaid identity. Still as my number one choice, I hope I have shown how plaid and ready I am to join the class of 2022 at Carnegie Mellon

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