Identify Different Types Of Drivers

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The roads are filled with different types of cars: blue cars, red cars, yellow cars, and different models of cars. With the different types of cars comes the different types of drivers inside the cars. Throughout your life you probably have been irritated with these different types of drivers. Types of drivers can be classified into four groups: the Grandma Bertha, the Impatient Henry, the Watch OUT Lena, and Where's the ignition John. The Grandma Bertha is probably one of the most irritating drivers to be behind on the road. They think they can take their sweet time going from place to place. The Bertha drivers are known to be older. The common thing for them to do is to drive ten miles per hour under the speed limit which is the most frustrating for people. Many find that they get behind Grandma Bertha when they are in a hurry. Every time someone gets behind Bertha it is always in a no passing zone. Then just when you think that you are going to get rid of old Bertha because he/she is going to turn, they take five minutes to actually turn the thing. They …show more content…

Drivers like Henry are very frustrating to the people in front of them. They are so close to the car in front of them that they could read little detailed font on a truck or car. People get so frustrated with Henry because they don’t understand why they do not just pass them. Henry obviously likes to live on the dangerous side. We know this because it is extremely dangerous for a car/truck to tailgate another car/truck. If the car in front of Henry brakes for some reason then it is pretty much automatic that there is going to be a collision. This is even worse on the interstate. When cars are going 70 miles per hour they can not just stop on a dime. But since Henry is in too much of a hurry, he puts everyone he is around in

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