Icu Application Essay

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Olivia Plamann
Creative Writing
Block: 3
Mrs. Hamilton
“Olivia Plamann, we are ready for you,” the woman in the white pantsuit said, just as she said to every other applicant that was nervously waiting in the waiting room. We zigzagged through the extensive hallways until we finally reached her office.
“First of all I would like to personally thank you for coming all the way out to New York for the final process of your application to the University of New York,” The woman stated.
“No problem, I am very passionate about my education and want to pursue every opportunity possible to get into the college of my dreams,” I responded.
“My apologies I forgot to introduce myself. I am Sandra Whiteson. I am the head of the NYU application …show more content…

These questions were the only thing that was standing in the way of the education I have always dreamed of.
“First of all, what or who inspires you to work hard not only in school, but in life in general?”
“For me personally, my mom has always had a really big impact on my life. She finished her education with a doctorate in nursing practice and I wish to pursue my life in the same direction as her.” As I finished speaking she took some notes on her computer. I questioned my answer to her question. Was it good enough? Was I good enough?
“Awesome so that is all for today I will review all of your applications and we will get back to you in a month or so,” as she responded she slowly got up out of her desk and reached her hand out once more. I reached out to her’s and firmly shook it.
“Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity,” I responded standing up and walking toward the door. I turned around as soon as she started to speak to me one last time.
“You’re very welcome. On the behalf of myself and NYU we would like to personally thank you once more for making the long trip out to come and speak with us

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