Iago as Clever and Manipulative and Othello as Brave by Gullible

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Iago as Clever and Manipulative and Othello as Brave by Gullible

To decide how far I agree with this assessment of the characters I

will analyse their language and behaviour throughout the play to help

me draw a conclusion.

Iago can be seen as very clever as he uses events as they occur to his

own benefit. When Emilia finds Desdemona’s handkerchief Iago takes

advantage of her and forces her to give it to him so he can plant it

in Cassio’s room to provide evidence of Cassio’s and Desdemona’s

affair. This is a very ruthless action and the quick wittedness

confirms a very intelligent character.

The audience know Iago is very manipulative from the very opening

scene as he manages to manipulate Roderigo into telling Brabantio

about Othello’s and Desdemona’s secret marriage. Iago tricks Roderigo

into thinking that he is helping him although it is the other way

around, and these actions are only to benefit Iago.

Iago can be seen as a villain as he is totally evil. He is willing to

sacrifice anyone for his own ends. He is will even kill his own wife

so not to be exposed of all the malicious things he had done to

Othello, Desdemona, Cassio and Roderigo.

Before the audience meets Othello it is known that he is a brave

soldier as the Duke calls he valiant and the senators call him brave.

The audience then meet Othello and again see the image of him being

brave as Othello tells the Duke that he won Desdemona’s heart when he

shared all his victorious war stories.

Othello can be said to be a gullible fool as he is a bad judge of

character concerning Iago. Initially Othello can be seen as a good

judge of character because he gives Cassio his second lieutenant and

Iago third. Although as “honest” Iago sets to work making Othello

doubt he is very convincing and giving the evidence I think even the

least gullible person would begin to doubt their relationship.

Desdemona helps Iago unwittingly by constantly pushing Othello to give

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