Letter To Elie Wiesel's 'Night'

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Dear Rachel, I had a sleepless night thinking about what happened to us that night. I least expected it, I experienced the worst headache ever, all I could hear was my heart beating faster than it ever has. I cursed my stars that night, as my expectation for the night was so much greater, but it ended in a far different way that made my heart choke with tears of losing something I've always wanted and fought for. We all made mistakes not trying to understand each other, some words did hurt in some way and I guess we got carried away after all those arguments of whether I have an intimate relationship with Marie. I guess this issue has always been the block of our relationship getting worked out. I know it's been hard for you trying to understand the real truth. Perhaps I need to give you a chance to find out for yourself whether what I'm trying to tell you is the truth or not. Trust is very important, especially in a new and up-coming relationship, and so I have no objection about you finding out whether I have a relationship with her. …show more content…

I know you said you can't forgive me, neither will you forget, but I know deep down, I regret saying those things to you and being the first guy to have said it also hurts. Whether you accept my apology or not I'm truly sorry for my harsh and cruel

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