I Want To Get Into The Medical Field

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The Next Chapter Passion, desire, and goals are parts of human nature. I always felt as humans we need desires and goals in order for us to have purpose in life. May they be long or short term goals; but they are what make life worth living for. For me, a long term goal is to get into medical school. I cannot see myself on any other path. It is my only calling and I am willing to do whatever I have to do to achieve that goal. In elementary school, we were asked to draw what we wanted to be when we grew up. I do not know the reason, but I always drew a doctor. I do not know what attracted me to that occupation specifically. To me, doctors always had a glow. Their clean crisp outfits, their cleanliness, their posture, and intelligence always …show more content…

I had never been so excited to be in class every day and to talk to my teacher. I actually read the entire textbook, not because I had to, but because I wanted to. I enjoyed that class and I wanted to learn more. I wanted to know more about the body and all of its different components. I wanted to know what we are made of, and why. What is inside of us? What makes us human-beings? I wanted to break down the body to its simplest form. This lead me to want to become a surgeon. The fact that I could save a life with my bare hands was unimaginable. I was never disgusted with blood or flesh. In fact, I was intrigued by it. I thought this was a calling since many people can’t look at blood. I thought I was special, so I had to take advantage of that. I would spend hours watching surgeries on YouTube. I watched tumor removals to breast implants to leg amputations. That class made me realize that becoming a surgeon was my purpose in life. After having a glimpse into the life of a surgeon, I knew that I couldn’t pursue anything else. I would do whatever it takes to get …show more content…

Loyola ended up being one of my top five choices. I ended up choosing Loyola because of its small class room sizes, which would be beneficial because I wanted to have a close relationship with my science professors Building relationships with my science teachers was extremely important to me because I believe discussing the purpose of the labs is a necessity. Loyola was also near John Hopkins; one of the best medical schools and the school I hope to attend for medical school. For Loyola to be close to my dream school is beneficial, because I can have a head start and volunteer as much as I

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