I Want To Be A Massage Therapist

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I am currently perusing a career path in clinical psychology; this is similar to the type of work the counseling center does but not exactly the same. I would like to work at a nonprofit someday as a clinical psychologist, such as in a psych ward in a hospital or maybe a VA because I like the atmosphere in the nonprofit sphere and believe that is where I will be able to do the most good for the Kingdom of God. I do not want to do secretarial work or create marketing plans as a career, it does not appeal to me and I do not believe it would be fulfilling long term. I think this shows me that I am in the right field of study perusing a career that I will enjoy and will hopefully be able to help others while doing so. This opportunity has taught …show more content…

Many individuals believe that only those with “serious issues” and people who popular media considers crazy, such as people diagnosed with schizophrenia, need therapy. Due to this stigma society does not have a positive view on counseling. Based on the marketing research I collected many people in Mt. Sterling agree that counseling services are important and that they can be helpful, however those same individuals would not seek counseling themselves but rather know of someone who could benefit from counseling services. I do not think this view of counseling services is accurate. I would argue that every individual could benefit from counseling because no human interaction is perfect, every person has been hurt in some way and those hurts manifest themselves in many different ways such as unpleasant interpersonal relationships, depression, or anxiety. This career is valuable because it focuses on mental health, very few other professions take an individuals mental well being into account. Prioritizing mental wellness not only benefits the individual but also the community, counseling helps individuals embrace all sides of themselves and in turn creates an introspective person who is able to be more productive within the community. Very few other careers and organizations do this which makes the counseling field and nonprofits particularly

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