Hurricane Maria Puerto Rico Summary

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The catastrophic event of Hurricane Maria caused Puerto Rico to be in great danger and tragedy. It will take a very long time for the island to recover. They are dependent on the help that their fellow citizens that are on the mainland can give them. On a micro level, education in school and work can prepare people in knowing how to survive a natural disaster. Classes could be designed to have people understand the various ways for them to not only know how to help them themselves but other states or territories. Providing citizens with this information can give them the opportunity to know the detrimental effects of a major storm. The classes could also give a platform for organizations to inform people of the many ways they could donate money …show more content…

Networks decide what they would like to show their watchers, so they must make it eye-catching. During the process of determining what they will show, networks tend to discard some important facts or sometimes twists the truth. The media coverage on Hurricane Maria was and still is very sparse. When networks were covering the story, they did not include the real devastation of what was happening to Puerto Ricans. Networks tended to cover how the island looked like instead of covering how the residents are going to be facing some very challenging hardships. They did not mention how the death rate will drastically increase because people do not have access to medication or food. Also, how to help the victims of the storm was not heavily expressed. The president took it upon his own social media to exclaim how broken Puerto Rico was from the beginning. He spent more time on putting the island down than actually making a plan on fixing it. If the media covered more of what the people are actually going through maybe the Americans on the mainland will feel more sympathetic and feel like telling the president to do

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