Humorous Wedding Speech By A Teacher

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Good Evening, I hope this message finds you well. For a while now, I have been thinking about writing you a letter, but I did not know whether or not you still worked at JGA. However, recently I came across your Facebook profile when one of my former classmates was tagged in your status. As such, I have ultimately decided to message you here; I hope you do not mind. My objective in writing to you is to say thank you. I believe my years at JGA were some of my most formative, and I am thankful that I had you as my teacher and role model for two of those years – in grade 6 and grade 8. My parents noticed the greatest changes in me during those years, especially academically. Although I would definitely say that your classroom was disciplined (I was certainly scared if I did not complete my homework, but in a good way), it was also where I learned organization, time management and to seek perfection. I was undoubtedly not a top student during my time there, but I developed a strong base for my future. …show more content…

As such, it is easy for me to think of which teacher(s) had the greatest influence on me. To this day, my mom calls me “moja mala Nikolićka” or says “ovo je zbog Nikolić” when I care about perfection, organization or want to further pursue academics. It almost seems that there is something innate in me that all these years later I still do not want to let you down, even if you do not remember me. I was always the underachiever in gifted compared to my classmates, so maybe I felt like I had something to

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