Humorous Wedding Speech At Saint Comban School

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Thank you, and welcome Fr. Al, Ms Barreda, friends and family, faculty and staff, and classmates in red. I'm honored to be the salutatorian of the class of 2016, meaning I'm the second highest ranking in the class, but the first to speak instead. And because no one remembers the first speech (so good luck Megan), I’m sure that everyone will walk out of here not remembering anything I said. And UrbanDictionary states that the Salutatorian is: “The less important of two students who have to give a speech on graduation day.” Oh sorry… In layman’s terms, 2nd place is the first loser.

But none of us are losers here. Stand up… everyone; Stand tall. We are all winners, after all, we made it to the end of our years here at Saint Columban School. …show more content…

I'm sure we were all feeling like how I am up here right now... Totally chill… We didn't know each other. And our parents and teachers have always said: "Don't talk to strangers." Well, we broke that rule of thumb and greeted each other. And so went our first first day of school. Will the nine-year students please stand up? Jeric, Ian, Megan, Hwan Hee, Brandon, Me, Justin, Lanette, and Shane. We've stuck by each other for 9 years. All right you can sit …show more content…

This was the year all of us began to really get together and bond. And we got to know each other through common complaints about learning, through daily chats online with each other, through class memes, and especially through whips and nae-naes at the social.

These 8 years of learning and bonding together has brought us to where we are now. We've had our personal problems and mutual problems, our ups and down. But we've been there for each other. Down those chutes and up those ladders. When we slid down those chutes: "Weeeeeee!" We didn't know what would come at the end of that "weeee", but we let it come to us. But that was when we were naive. We have learned so much more than sliding down chutes. We now have to work for what we want, and we've embraced that. We've learned to climb those ladders. And that will help us to get where we want to get to. The goal. Our futures.

Our growth is put best by Drake, when he rapped: “Started from the bottom now we’re here / Started from the bottom now the whole team here.” We grew together. And you know our secret? We did work work work work work--**Awkwardly chuckle**

And that song: “We are Family.” That has never been truer when you take the time to think back on how much we've done and how far we've gone

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